Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dinosaur comics

Yay for all of us, for the first installment of awesome things is here!
The first awesome thing here is the web comic "Dinosaur Comics". For those of you who have never heard of Dinosaur Comics, it is web comic written by a Mr. Ryan North, and features the witty converssations between the main character, T-Rex, and his dinosaur pals. The artwork rarely changes, which, I won't lie, enhances its awesomeness considerably. There are rare occasions, when the artwork does change, such as during a guest week, or during the mirror universe plot, when the same artwork was used, and it was just reversed.
Dinosaur Comics is one of the funniest comics on the whole internet, in my opinion, and easily falls into the "awesome" category that we are looking for here. The comics particular level of awesome delivers a solid FIFTY awesome points. So we are now at, um, FIFTY awesome points, total.
You can read Ryan Norths web comic DINOSAUR COMICS by clicking here
Or, you can use the links in the box to the right, which displays the five most recent dinosaur comics to be published. I will leave these up until people tell me they don't like it or until I get bored of it. Good Times!

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