Congratulations dudes and ladies! You have just entered into one of the greatest blogs of all time. Sure, it might not be that great now, at this time, what with this one measly post, but remember, I said OF ALL TIME. So while it might not be the greatest right now, it will soon grow in fantasticality (primarily be introducing useful words like fantasticality) until it surpasses every other blog of all time.
How can I be so sure of this, you ask? look at title of this blog. Yeah, thats right. THE PURSUIT OF AWESOME. The ENTIRE POINT of this page is to look for and find things, actions, ideas, people, names, words, stories, websites, foods, drinks, and whatever else we think of that is, of course awesome. As more awesome stuff is found, this page's awesome points will grow, until we have surpassed every other web log in existence, now and in the future.
So here is how its going to work: you will come here looking for things that are awesome. You will be amazed at first but then probably get used to finding, yes, things that are awesome. An awesome-point value will be given to every item, a point value decided upon by an expert panel of judges (Me, and probably a friend or two). We will keep track of the points we have earned and post the new total with each post.
If you have seen something or have an idea for something that is sufficiently awesome, then I would love to hear about it. Email it to me at and with some help we will soon have, truly, the most awesome page of all time.